You were made for more than just believing and existing until you die. You were made to serve.

If Jesus offers a full and abundant life, then why does it feel as if words like burnout, exhaustion, anger, loneliness, unhappiness, and anxiety are winning the day? Something feels very off.

A full and abundant life results in purpose, meaning, fulfillment, joy, and happiness. What are we missing?

The ServingChallenge Begins Sunday,October 1.

Click Here to view the Sunday Services.

Fill out a Life Group interest card in the lobby or use the below link for the on-line card, or reach out to Pastor Nathan below to get plugged into a Life Group!

Practical Daily Challenges

Every day, Serving presents you with a new challenge that will stretch and grow you on your journey.

Live Like Jesus

Focused on the 5 Keystone Habits of Jesus, ServingChallenge will help you instill habits that will help you grow in your relationship with God.

Life Change in 40 Days

You’ll be joining thousands of individuals and hundreds of churches who have grown closer to God and strengthened their faith through this 40-day challenge.

Discover the 5 Aspects of Serving like Jesus

Aspect 1: Attitude

Jesus served us because He so loves us. Just as His attitude shaped how He served us, so too, does our attitude shape how we serve others.

Aspect 2: Availability

Jesus made Himself available to us by leaving His throne in heaven to come down into this world.

Aspect 3: Action

It’s one thing to think and strategize about serving. But, to truly serve like Jesus, is a call to action that often requires losing so that others win.

Aspect 4: Ability

You do not have the ability, like Jesus, to save people from their sins. However, you are uniquely wired and gifted.

Aspect 5: Ambition

Our ultimate ambition in life is to serve and glorify God. We do not serve to make our name great, but to make His name great.


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