Fresh Set of Eyes

A Fresh Set of Eyes

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Do you have some things in your life that you would love to be able to see with a “fresh set of eyes?” Easter is meant to give us such eyes in the key places of our lives. It’s what we explore in the next few weeks.


April 11, 2021             In The Desert

Does life at times seem “dry” to you? Do you feel like you’re just going through the motions? Have you lost that sense of purpose and meaning? Are you at times running on empty wondering if there is anything worth living for? There is. It’s what we talk about today.

April 18, 2021         In the Crises of Faith 

Do you ever doubt the things you thought you’d never doubt? Do you ever come to that moment when what you thought was absolute settled solid ground turns into quicksand? In these times, Where is God for us…for me?... Even when I doubt everything that I thought I believed? Is He close to me…even then? And if so, what does He think of me and what is He doing? In my crises of faith where is God and what is He about? It’s what we talk about today.

April 25, 2021         In the Try-Hard Life  

Are you like me? It seems like I am always trying to find the right rhythm in my life…but I always feel a little off. I just can’t seem to find it. But it’s there. We just need to see it. It’s what we talk about today.

May 2, 2021           In the Loneliness 

Where do you feel alone? And what has brought you to that place?

Anger? Frustration? Disappointment? Defeat? Fear? Or perhaps just not being able to “put it all together?” What would it mean if you were not alone? If someone was with you who knew you perfectly, listened to your heart, and knew how to help? Because there is. It is what we talk about today.

May 9, 2021         In Death (And Life )

Ok. I know we don’t like to talk about it, but not one of us is getting out of here alive. Death is reality. So, what’s your take on it? And how does it affect how you LIVE? And what would it mean if you could have your questions answered? Because you can. It’s what we talk about today.