Torn Apart

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COVID 19. Economic uncertainty. Job loss. Racism. Racial tension. Violence. Social upheaval. Election fears. Unanswered questions. Distrust. Anger. Struggle. Loss. Trauma is best defined as a deeply distressing physical, psychological, or emotional experience.  Sound familiar? Normally, 20% of the population is experiencing trauma at any given time, but it seems to me we are probably approaching 100% at the moment. That is, it would seem to me that every one of us is living through deeply distressing experiences (trauma) somewhere in our lives right now as we live through our world, our nation, our families, our friends, and our lives torn apart by all these things.

How are YOU doing? The next few weeks we will focus on how God meets us in our torn apart world – in the midst of our trauma – bringing his wholeness and healing. Why? Trauma is something one ignores at their own peril. It needs to be addressed, brought out in the open and talked about with other people, and into the healing power of our loving God. Why? So we can be whole again…and so we can bring this wholeness into the lives of broken, traumatized, people and our broken world.

Find Support & Learn How to Support Others

One great resource that we would suggest is the booklet “Beyond Disaster” from the Trauma Healing Institute.

But don’t go it alone! Experts say that in this time of trauma, we ought to look for ways to connect with others even if we feel like being alone. So, go through this resource with family or others that you know.

Join a virtual (4 week) ZOOM group as they work through the booklet together. Sessions begin the week of September 13. Click here to register for a session.


Sunday, September 13th           Yet NOT Alone

One symptom of trauma is feeling like no one is listening to you, that you have “lost your voice,” that you are all alone. While these feelings may be there, God is also there. We are not alone. Today we explore what this means. Today we explore how we can act on it.

Sunday, September 20th          Yet NOT Out of Control

Another symptom of trauma is the high anxiety caused by a feeling that everything has spun “out of control” and there is only chaos and destruction in our world and lives and there is nothing we can do about it. While these feelings may be there, the truth is that nothing is out of control. God firmly remains in power over all things. None of this surprised Him. Today we focus on this truth. And what this means for our lives.

Sunday, September 27th           Yet NOT Powerless

Yet another symptom of trauma is the feeling of helplessness and because of this, symptoms of anger, irritability, and aggressiveness. While these feelings may be there, the truth is that we are not powerless. Rather, what we do can and does make a difference through Him who controls all things. This is our focus today.

Sunday, October 4th                 Yet Living in HOPE

Still another symptom of trauma is a feeling of hopelessness that lasts more than a few weeks. (Note: Hope is a belief that “things will get better sooner or later.”) How are you doing with this one? With all that is swirling around us, do you still believe that every day can be better than the last? While we can certainly experience the feeling of hopelessness attached to trauma, the truth is that there is a hope that will never fade; a certainty that tomorrow will be better that is grounded in God himself.